Broadway Theatre — Blog — South London Club

Broadway Theatre

A Brief History of the Catford Broadway Theatre

A Brief History of the Catford Broadway Theatre

With the gradual, yet steady closing-down of local cinemas and theatres that has been happening in Britain for decades, we thought it a good idea to use our platform to pay homage to one of the oldest theatres in South London that has survived this unfortunate decline in entertainment venues, and continues to showcase cutting edge theatre and events to this day....

22 Independent Theatres in South London

22 Independent Theatres in South London

Do you enjoy the bright lights, breathtaking music and awe-inspiring sights of a great theatrical production?Independent theatres, however, range greatly in size, type and frequency of events/performances. Some are large, with famous actors and playwrights vying for artistic prestige in purpose-built theatres to audiences of up to around 1,000 people, while others take the form of a church hall or community building that is transformed into a set for young, developing actors, performers and writers To make things easy, here’s our list of the best 22 independent theatres in South London.