Grand Union Kennington

7 Beer Gardens To Try In Lambeth Borough This Summer

7 Beer Gardens To Try In Lambeth Borough This Summer

There are certain aspects of beer gardens that many of us take for granted, for those with children, the most important part of a beer gardens makeup and layout is that it will contain their children while they can sit, enjoy a drink, and keep an eye on them. Beer gardens can, in that sense, be something of a saviour for parents in that their children can, somewhat, be left to their own devices in a way they cannot in an indoor space. This is not to say that all beer gardens have to be this way, but the premier beer gardens probably will. So on top of that we’ve settled that beer gardens can come in many shapes and sizes, and we’ve also settled that they must be attached to a public establishment, that they actually originated in Germany. With all this in mind we can get on with telling you our list of seven beer gardens in Lambeth borough that you have to try this summer.