
12 Battersea Exercise Classes Guaranteed to Shake Up your Workout

12 Battersea Exercise Classes Guaranteed to Shake Up your Workout

Right. So. Summer. It’s here, and so is the tidal wave of get-fit-quick schemes, the phrase ‘beach body’ is being batted around endlessly and sometimes when the sunny days roll around you can feel more like you’re in a pressure cooker than an island paradise. Well, we’re not here for that...

However, no one can deny that shrugging off that winter hibernation can be a bit of a struggle and you might be looking for constructive ways to charge all that new energy you’ve got from the longer days and the warmer temperatures. So we’ve done a round-up of all the new and exciting ways to get active right now in Battersea. There’s plenty of exciting stuff going on, whether you’re looking to mellow out, limber up or shed a few unwanted pounds in a way that is sustainable and keeps you sane. So have a little scroll and give a couple a go because it really will feel worth it, even if it’s just to hit the fancy showers at the end...